Friday, December 26
Merry Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 14
Sunday Afternoon

The sounds of football fill the living room, while songs of Christmas fill my head. Rain falls. Sunday evening moves into the work week.
Monday, October 6
Two Things
My Eyes! My Eyes are burning! This weekend I attempted to make some eyes out of sculpey clay for some Christmas projects I am working on. This is my absolute first time working with the stuff and it seems to be pretty forgiving. But. User error indicated that I am not very good at following directions or even pictures. My eyes were lopsided, fingerprinted, and not even as cute as the pictures showed. Regardless, I baked them for the time/temp indicated on the side of the clay and my "translucent" clay burned. Underneath the black is the translucent clay - now an interesting shade of burnt. I think I am sticking to button eyes.

Monday, September 29
I'm bored...
Love you later!

Friday, September 26
David Bruce Winery

This past weekend we went for a very short drive up our mountains to one of our favorite wineries - David Bruce Winery.
It was just a quick trip with a purpose - to pay back my BIL. When he visits Hawaii (quite frequently!) we sends me bags of Kona Coffee. And not just a couple, but more than enough to keep my habit satiated.

- 1. 2002 Pinot Noir, Bien Nacido - a vineyard wine made with grapes from only the Bien Nacido vineyards in the Santa Maria Valley. This was by far the best wine we tasted this afternoon. It was fruity with just a hit of tannins to keep it from being too soft.
2. 2005 Sangiovese, Paso Robles - Paso Robles is a beautiful section of California between here and Los Angeles. It's a straight shot down Highway 101 into the valley and has some great wines and vineyards in the local. Unfortunately, I don't appreciate Sangiovese. It's spicy and seems to be watered down when I taste it.3. 2005 Petite Sirah Central Coast - Sunset Magazine named this a "food friendly wine", and I can see that. It's a very mild wine that will not overpower most anything you could throw at it, and has a sweet red-fruit flavor that most people will like. I personally prefer a Merlot for that - it's just got a bit more body to it than the Petite Sirah.
4. and another 2005 Pinot Noir - I don't remember if it was the Sonoma Coast or the Central Coast, but it was not as good as the Bien Nacido Pinot Noir. It was a bit weak and watery and not really what I was looking for.
I had a good time tasting, but picked only the Bien Nacido from the tasting to forward on to the BIL. He also received some Pinot Noirs from the Russian River and the Sonoma Coast. To your health!
Tuesday, September 16
LA Sunday - Huntington Gardens 3 of 3

The floor of the courtyard, "Plantain Court", is an amazing job of interlocking panels of stone - round white rocks tipped on the side to make the inner medallions with black rocks in linear fashion to make the borders. Something to remember, if I ever have a courtyard garden. It might be difficult to sweep up and be hard on bare feet tho. Mmmm. Keep thinking then.

Passing through the "Corridor of Water &

Unfortunately, by this time, the docents of the garden were starting to herd visitors toward the entrance/exit of the garden, so we were not able to make it all the way around the Lake. One of the views, so exquisitely framed, was the "Pavilion of Three Friends" where bamboo, pine & plum share a grove.
At the exit we were greeted by this Chinese "Lion Dog". All in all, the Huntington Gardens and Library are worth several repeat visits. If you are ever in the LA area, make the trip to Pasadena to go. We arrived in the afternoon, and were only able to visit three of the FOURTEEN!!!! different

I had a blast on my trip to LA, not only because of the things we saw, but because of the people I was with. It was good to have a girly weekend, and to take a solo trip. I think that all women should feel comfortable and have the opportunity to take trips alone. There's a sense of - power? accomplishment? satisfaction? some of all, but not in a bad way - in fending for yourself, taking the time to stop when you want to, to not worry about anyone else's schedule, and taking a trip by yourself. Do it.
Oops! Or Where did the time go??
1) My yarn projects for Christmas are officially complete! Wahoo!!! I have some things that I may do, but they are completely optional. I'm so very pleased with myself. Sorry, gotta gloat about getting something done anyway! I'd show you pictures, but then you wouldn't be surprised.
2) The quilt for my MIL is at the quilters. Yippee!! The thing is huge, it just kept growing on me. The woman said she'd try and work it in ahead of some of the others in her queue - since MIL is now in the nursing home - and I should have it before Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see it quilted. I'll have to add the binding once I get it back. I have some fabric that's going to look like Fruit Stripe Gum wrapped around the edges.
and 3) I know that Craig Ferguson comes on really really late at night. But I appreciate him even more than David Letterman or Jay Leno, so sometimes I will record the show just to see what in the heck he's got going on. If you don't know, this past year (or maybe 2 now?) he became a US citizen and is very interested in the political process. I watched the other night, I just had to share his opening monologue with you. I don't know how to embed YouTube just yet, but one day I'll figure it out. So click the link: Craig Ferguson Political Rant It's not an ugly rant, just one that makes a lot of valid points. And then click this link... Craig Ferguson Part 2
Tuesday, September 2
LA Sunday – Huntington Gardens 2 of 3

We continued down a zigzag bridge through a stand of bamboo. The zigzag path is thought to confuse evil spirits who only travel in straight lines. The pathway led to a walled-in Zen rock garden, or karesansui. This dry landscape garden was added in 1968. The ginko trees were mature and beautiful in their greenness. Too many people, however, did not allow for the meditative factor that such a garden normally brings.

Some of the deta

Also, this "river" of mondo grass that wandered from the path outside the bonsai courtyard and down into the more native garden. It was placed under the oak trees and had large rocks bordering the curves so it seemed to flow naturally down the hill. It was also bordered by hostas, nandinas, azaleas, rhodes, and

Tuesday, August 26
LA Sunday - Huntington Gardens 1 of 3

Arrival found us hungry, so a brief lunch was had in the Tea Room of the Rose Garden. After refreshing ourselves, we headed out into the garden and took a walk. The three acres of rose gardens were originally planted in 1908, but have been in a constant state of change over the years. Also, since the Rose Parade is held in Pasadena on January 1 each year, they hold off on pruning the rose bushes back until January 2nd. I can tell you, they looked like they needed some mid-year pruning.

The Rose Gardens also feature several specimen trees, like the Montezuma Cypress from Mexico. These cypress trees are over 90 years old, and are still going strong. They have a wonderful drapey feel to them.
It's a beautiful rose garden, and I am at a loss for words. Instead, I'll let pictures say the 1000 words I wish I had.
Monday, August 25
Saturday - Shopping & Eating in LA

We then headed to an extra large art & craft supply store called Pearl. They had a great selection of goodies for all your creative needs. However, I had to say no for purchases since I didn't really have a project in the works that I could legitimately buy for. I even passed on the sketch & notebooks! Can you believe it? Mostly because I couldn't find them when we were ready to check out.

So what do we do then? Head to another bead store, called Ritual Adornments. We wandered around, running our fingers through the lovely pieces of stone, glass, wood, and other fabulousness. I wish I had taken out my camera - a bowl of skull beads would have been a perfect Halloween photo op. Ah well. I still managed not to snag any beads on my shopping trip.
The sun was past the mid-day point, way past by this time, and we

Headed back to the apartment for some homemade guacamole and chips and watching Phelps win yet another race. All in all a good day.
Sunday, August 24
My Friday in LA

After my hosts had left for the day, I readied myself and headed into Beverly Hills to find the all important coffee and pastry. Success at the Coffee Bean. I had a lovely Carmel Iced Coffee and Chocolate filled Croissant. It is a different vibe in downtown Beverly Hills. The men are in their business suits, women are dressed to the nines, fancy cars, cell phones and connections being made on the street. I'm such a hick sometimes. I walked up and down Beverly Hills Drive, peeking in windows and checking out the people. I still haven't been to Rodeo Drive, even though I've been near there three times. Maybe next time.

NOTES of the moment: Waves crashing, harsh sky light, overcast. Long walk from the car to water, sand feels good on my feet. Screaming kids, happy kids in the water chasing the surf. The clickity clack of the roller coaster as it climbs the first hill. The tin music of the Ferris wheel and a helicopter scoping out the show on the beach. Humid and warm, but the breeze off the water is nice. Tourists with their cameras, like me. A couple of Amish (Quaker?) women, in black, covered from head to toe. Families holding hands, parents to kids. 'Tweens walking the beach looking to be seen. The scene is a study in greys, bordered by the bright primaries of the amusement park.

As my hour drew to a close, it was a good thing. The sun, though shrouded by the clouds, was intense and I managed to get just the smallest bit of sun color to my skin. I walked back to the car, feeling the warm sand between my feet, feeling the warmth of the sun on the back of my neck.
I got in the car and headed back in the direction of the apartment. I was hungry and hot though, so when I saw the Westside Pavilion Mall, I paused for a moment and went for a walk in the air conditioning. I had a bite to eat at the Food Court and managed to snag a pretty sweet backpack from Gap Kids. The hubster thinks it is the ugliest thing he's ever seen, but that just means he's not going to steal that one from me later on. My devious plan has worked!
The rest of the day was spent reading, planning, and having some good food with friends.