Monday, January 7

Day 003: A defining word...

I've been reading around blog land on this idea of choosing a word to "define" your year. Something that can be used as a sort of guideline to determine your actions perhaps, or to ruminate upon, or something to give you pause to think. I first thought that I would choose the word "finish" as there are so many projects that I do actually need to finish this year, projects that have been left half-baked for two or more years even. However, I think that a better defining word will be "continue". I want to continue to do the things that I have started in the past year, continue them in spite of the interruption, and continue them to completion. Whether that be the sweater I still really want to work on, or the guest suite remodel, or the weight loss journey that I have started. All of these things are in progress at the moment. I want to continue to work on them, enjoying the process and enjoying the final results. Continue, as you have begun.

On another note: Cards have been started, and are ready for mailing... I just need to get the last letter finished and on the way. I'll post the pictures of them over the next couple of days.

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