Monday, March 3


Still cloudy from sleep, I roll over to check the time.... Is it time to get up yet? When is the alarm going off? My husband sleeps next to me, little snoring chuffs in his dreams. I roll back over and look out the window next to me. The sky is deep blue against the red wood and green leaves of the Madrone trees. I don't have to get up. I'm not working right now. And the bed is warm from the three quilts piled on top of me. I pull the pillow closer to me and start to mull over what I want to get done today. I want to make sure the house is picked up. And I need to look for work. The garage wants to be cleaned. I guess I'm awake now.

I get up and head out on the deck. It's going to be warmer today than it was yesterday, thank goodness. The plants need water, and the Redwood tree is shedding on the planks. Sweeping the fallen leaves from the wood, the broom makes a soft "shuff-shuff" sound as the needles fly in front of the bristles. The hose is cold and heavy in my hands as it fills with water. I check the plants as I fill the pots with water. The rose bushes are starting to leaf out in red. The citrus trees are happy, lemons and limes weighing down the branches. The smell of coffee brewing brings me inside.

It’s a good morning.


Jane said...

Sounds so lovely!

GirlGriot said...

Wow, it's a gorgeous morning! That was lovely.