I've been playing with Photoshop a bit today - trying to get back into the swing of things regarding my photos. I love my camera. and I love my new software. It's just a bit of a learning curve for now, getting everything to work the way I want it to. I need to figure out if I import all my photos into the gallery - do they stay where I saved them, or does a second copy get saved in another directory?
But in between times, I smell cinnamon and butterscotch and oatmeal baking. Cooling on the racks, maybe, before I have one "to taste". Baking cookies has always made me happy. I like that we each have a favorite - these are Mark's. And I say we each have a favorite - mine just happens to be whatever is fresh out of the oven.
I've given up on the "thrifty" version - where you make twice as much dough as the recipe calls for, and only use the original amount of the "expensive" ingredient - like chocolate chips. Remember that? Kinda like "stretched" juice - one can of frozen condensed makes a whole jug full of juice - just add that much water - no matter what the size of the can or the jug. Yeah, I remember the first time I read the directions on the side of the can. No wonder everyone else had better juice than we did. Ah well.
But in the mean time, we learn. And things get better.
Love you much.
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