One storm after another rolled into the Bay Area this week, and it's still not done. We have had rain every day since Saturday, there's snow on the tops of the surrounding hills, and the power was out for 40 hours straight.
But, up in the hills, we are prepared. We have a gas generator, so I had lights and refrigeration and even an oven that works. We have a wood stove to warm the house, and because it was an "equipment failure" and not a "line down" we even had cable, internet and phone service. The constant noise of the generator tho, wears on me. I have had a headache for the past three days. I drove in to work this morning and there was evidence of trees down and slides off the hills across all the roads. Glad to be able to work from home in weeks like this.

Saturday I went to the Mission Santa Cruz for a bit of exploring and picture taking. The Mission is on a hill top with nearly 360-degree views. Unfortunately, the "mission" that is there is a 75% replica, as the original was destroyed in an earthquake and another, Gothic Revival style church had been built in its place. There is a state park on the site, but the only building that remains from the original Mission site is actually housing for the native Ohlone Indian neophytes and contains 7 rooms for viewing. As the building had been remodeled several times, they originally believed that it was army barracks until they began to remove the wood facade and found adobe bricks behind. It's a lovely little spot, but completely surrounded on all sides by homes and small businesses.
Oh, and while the power was out, and we weren't going
anywhere, I managed to make a couple of loaves of Buttermilk White Bread from my go-to bread book
Beard on Bread. It claims to only make a loaf, but I managed to get two very nice loaves of sandwhich bread from it. And let me tell you, fresh bread with real butter, fresh from the oven - it gets no better.
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