Monday, November 22

And Mondays

Monday.  And the house is quiet for the first time in over 48 hours.  I don't know how a person doesn't go crazy with all that noise all the time.  I can hear a clock ticking in the far room.  The static hiss of the light bulbs.  The scratch of my pen and sleeve as they pass over the page.  A jay screeches in the trees.

Don't get me wrong.  I love music.  There is nothing like good music to set a mood, to get you moving, to score your day.  I can get sucked into the TV as well as anyone. Despite my best intentions I listen* to  more TV than I care to admit.

But this ~ this quiet time when you can hear the rain dripping off the gutters.  A critter rustling in the leaves.  The creaks of the house as it settles again.  This is necessary for the peace of my soul.

I can think, without having to process...
I can imagine, without being led...
I can listen, without having to comment...
I can be still.

On another note, does anyone know what this is?  I found it on my walk the other day.  It's about the size of a large cherry.  I'm assuming it's either not ripe or poisonous since the tree was still full of the fruit.

*These days I "listen" to TV more than I watch it, since my eyes are usually focused on what's going on in my hands.

Saturday, November 20

Rainy days

We went from this on Thursday....
To this today....
Bring it on.  We are ready.  We've got gas for the generator and probably a mile of related extension cords.  We have cords of firewood for the wood stoves.  I've got a gas stove and oven now, so I can cook.  And the water heater is gas too.  The chain saw is sharp in case any of the trees fall down and I have tarps in waiting.

BTW, that's just rain hanging onto the redwood trees across the yard, not snow, even though the forcast is threatening down to 2000 feet this weekend.

Stay warm and dry!

Friday, November 19


Picture has nothing to do with following words, I just like it!

There's nothing like coming home to a warm fire, the smell of bread in the oven and something tomato and onion on the stove top, some good music on the stereo, and a glass of something tasty waiting for you.  Let's see if I can make that happen tonight.

Thursday, November 18


For some time now, I've wanted to do a set of 2' x 4' paintings for my dining room.  A knife, fork and spoon.  Primitive acrylics.  Something that I can actually do.  I have the canvases and I can get the paints.  I just need to decide which of my silverware I want to use as an inspiration.  I have collected a set of mismatched silverware over the years, mostly at flea markets and other thrift shops, and it's all quite tarnished at this point.  As much as I love the look of the flourishes, scrolls and flowers on the actual handles, I don't believe my painting skill set is good enough to do them justice.  Right now, I'm liking the long handle of the third knife from the bottom.  It has a few details that might be a bit of a challenge ~ I'll have to see if I can't do a draft first.

Wednesday, November 17

Benign Neglect

Last year, a friend was leaving the company I was working for and I bought her a purple Christmas Cactus and told her that if she took good care of it, it could live for 20 years.  At the same time, I got a hot pink one for me, thinking, there's no way I can keep it alive even a season, but it'll be pretty while it lasts.

So after it finished blooming (dropping most of the buds), I put it in the window sill with the rest of my succulents, and watered it about every other week.  I noticed some buds on it earlier this month, but since they dropped like crazy last year, I didn't think I was actually going to get flowers. 

And then I read an article, I think it was in Martha Stewart, and it turns out my benign neglect was actually the perfect combination of conditions for a beautiful set of blooms.  Water it occasionally after it drys out, let it grow where it gets normal daylight hours, and is cool during the day and cooler at night.  They suggest a basement window but my house is pretty cool most of the time anyway. 

Of course, it's not even Thanksgiving yet, so maybe I have a Thanksgiving Cactus instead.  Regardless, it's blooming and I'm happy!  I may go get another one this year - in purple this time.

Tuesday, November 16

Unemployed. Again.

Pear Leaves in the Fall

So, my most recent contract gig has ended.  It lasted over a year, so I have no real complaints, just how the heck do I get hired next time?  And it's the best/worst time to be unemployed.  Best  - It's the holidays, and I can spend the time to enjoy them without the need to be rush-rush-rush everywhere everywhen.  I might even get out my Christmas decorations for the first time in three years.  Worst - It's the holidays, and I have no extra money to spend.  It's not like I don't have enough supplies and time to make things, just, wow, can I make it work? I'm sure I can.  But still.  I need to take inventory.

I find I do well if I keep to a schedule.  Get my house cleaned up.  Get moving - cardio, yoga, weights.  Don't get sucked into the Internet.  Get out of the house at least once a week - even if I don't have an interview.  Make plans and schemes and dreams - and I will get a job just in time to mess them all up. 

Today was my first day home.  I'm still playing catch-up with the things that have been avoided or "slapped at" over the past year.  It'll take the rest of the week to get everything in order - and I miss a day because I have an appt on the far side of the hill later this week.  At least I'll be able to run some errands that day as well. 

Here's to some good spirits, some good karma, and some good times.