Sunday, September 25

Finally, tomatoes...

Thanks to the cold summer we are experiencing up here in the hills and the thieving squirrels (Lorili 4!), I haven't picked very many tomatoes from my potted deck garden.  This week, I received an email from a local organic farm, Yellow Wall Farm, that they had tomatoes in abundance and would have them at the farm stand in Santa Cruz on Saturday.  Hoo-ray!!!! 

A quick drive into town, and I had twenty pounds of some of the ripest, best looking tomatoes I have seen in a while.  First off, I had to pop one in my mouth, warm from the sunshine, rinsed in cold clean water. Oh, so sweet!  And I wasn't even home yet.  Once I got home, I immediately made one of my Mom's favorite summer "salads" - slice a tomato, sprinkle some salt and pepper, dollop of mayo on the side.  Who needs bacon and lettuce or even bread?

Sunday morning found me roasting tomatoes in the oven.  A long slow roast, at 275, a slide of olive oil across the tops, and again, a grind of salt and pepper.  Two and half hours later, and a quick mash and I have four cups of the freshest, sweetest tomato sauce/paste.  I put two cups in the fridge for later - we'll add them to some fresh sage & oregano and make a beautiful meat sauce for pasta.  The other two cups I turned into some cream of tomato soup, inspired by Smitten Kitchen's recent recipe for "Roasted Tomato Soup w/ Cheddar Cheese Lids".   Since I already had the kitchen in a state of major mess, I sliced up some more tomatoes, along with some peaches, onion, and jalapeno for a fresh peach and tomato salsa.  They will come into play sometime this week for a quick dinner of chicken and rice. 

I still have tomatoes for a nice caprese salad, as well some rocket for a spicy lunch add-on.  The roasted tomatoes are so very yummy, that I just know I will have to go back next weekend and see if I can't find some more.

It's about time.

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