Saturday, February 25

Kitchen Refresh, Weeks 3 and 4

We were out celebrating our 25th anniversary at week 3 of the remodel, so I'm doing a catch up here.

Last weekend found us with the windows and doors installed, and drywall from ceiling to floor.  The guys had pre-taped the drywall, ready for mud.  Sofits were built for the new wall cabinets and the window to the stairs has been closed off.  It's still open below the stairs, but all the treads are now blocked off from the kitchen.  Although we had intended to repurpose some of the cedar paneling for wainscot, it ended up not working the way we thought.

Week 3 was a short week due to the holiday, however, things moved along quite well.  Tuesday they finished the prep for the tape and mud dudes.  Wednesday the mud dudes came and did all of the seams, while Ralph and Sean painted the cabinets for the new hutch.  They were just finishing up for the day when we got home, ready to light a huge propane heater in the middle of the dining room to help everything dry - my eyes watered so much from the off-gassing.  Thursday was texture day and when we got home Friday night, everything had been primed.

This coming week should reveal the painted walls, along with the crown molding, the installation of the hutch, and maybe even start to refinish the existing cabinets.  I pick up the new oven on Wednesday, and I've ordered some of the new hardware for the cabinets.  I'm ready for this to be as fabulous as I imagine it should be. 

Wednesday, February 8

Kitchen Refresh - week 2

It doesn't look like much has happened this past week, as it's been mostly prep for the actual resurfacing.  However, I do have a new set of doors in the dining room.  The floor and walls had suffered water damage, as we suspected, and since we were looking forward to putting a door in, there's no time like the present. The floor was repaired and new frame was installed for windows to flank the door. 

It appears that the re-purposed boards have been cut down to size for the wainscoting.

And a new support box has been built for the incoming oven and microwave.  In addition, the air return for the furnace has been repaired.
Light fixtures have been installed.  Windows have been ordered.  And switches have been put into place.  The studs and joists have been "plumbed" so that when they install the drywall, it will be level. 

All in all, prep work.  Doesn't make for pretty pictures, but it is progress....

Thursday, February 2

When life hands you lemons...

You gotta crack some eggs!  And grate some butter, and whisk some flour and sugar, and turn them into some of the best Lemon Bars I've had in some time.  Martha Stewart's Cookies rules again.

We picked about a half dozen Meyer Lemons off the patio trees, and had to turn them into something tasty. And thanks to the way that deconstruction has taken place, I was able to make the Lemon Bars from Martha's book this weekend.  I zested the skins into the lemon custard portion, hoping for that little extra zing, and found it successful.  I think my pan was an 8x12 instead of the 9x13 requested by the recipe, but that just led to a thicker shortcake and custard in each bar.  I must say they are quite delish.  If you get a chance, I'd say go for it!

Wednesday, February 1