Wednesday, February 8

Kitchen Refresh - week 2

It doesn't look like much has happened this past week, as it's been mostly prep for the actual resurfacing.  However, I do have a new set of doors in the dining room.  The floor and walls had suffered water damage, as we suspected, and since we were looking forward to putting a door in, there's no time like the present. The floor was repaired and new frame was installed for windows to flank the door. 

It appears that the re-purposed boards have been cut down to size for the wainscoting.

And a new support box has been built for the incoming oven and microwave.  In addition, the air return for the furnace has been repaired.
Light fixtures have been installed.  Windows have been ordered.  And switches have been put into place.  The studs and joists have been "plumbed" so that when they install the drywall, it will be level. 

All in all, prep work.  Doesn't make for pretty pictures, but it is progress....

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