Monday, April 11

Flea Market Find!

Last weekend was one of the first in a while where the wet has not been falling from the sky, so I thought I would take the chance and head in for the Santa Cruz Flea Market.  I'm always on the lookout for several of things, including vintage linens, books, broaches and glassware.  Don't ask me why, I don't know.  I know I don't need anymore, but they get used frequently and make me smile.  This particular day had me feeling lucky with the find of this seemingly vintage game by Milton Bradley.  I say seemingly, as the box and the wooden tiles are in near mint condition.  I've seen recent re-release of toys, like Lincoln Logs, so I'm a bit skeptical.  Regardless, I've had my eye out for a scrabble game that I could re purpose the tiles into some creative manner, and this seems to fit the bill.

In addition to my regular run at the produce stands (oranges, tomatoes, cukes, peppers, beets, cilantro....), I managed to find a set of four square purple plates that I think will serve marvelously as on-deck ware and a Klutz book on braiding hair.  You'd think after 40+ years of long hair, I'd know what I am doing, but this has some different looks, so I'm practicing.

The fruit trees have burst into full bloom and the bees are buzzing.  Hope you have a happy!

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