Monday, April 16

This weekend I ...

This weekend I planted some stuff: cilantro and basil(3 kinds) and rocket and butter beans and nastruisums and chives and peppers (3 kinds) and potatoes (4 kinds) and tomatoes (4 kinds).

This weekend I pickled some socks: to set the dye on some of my handmade socks I put them in a mason jar with a glug of vinegar and some water and then nuke for 3 minutes. Let it cool and hope the dye stops running when you wash your socks. Mixed results - the best of which is that the dye set the worst of which is a now variegated and slightly felted pair of purple socks.

  This weekend I made the house happy: things got put away and wiped and now I'm happier too. This weekend I put tape on the walls: we are down to the final punch list and should (fingers crossed) be done done done this week. I've got things going where I think they will live. Pictures please? Too many. But here's the final look! (dang it. I need to figure out how to do this from the phone. I'll edit this post tonight with pictures)(and spell check)

And some detail shots....

1 comment:

chacha1 said...

It looks so bright and beautiful! Thanks for the extended photo album. :-) Must be a pleasure to work in there. I REALLY love the new French doors and the storage built-in in the dining room. Well done!