Wednesday, February 27

Amazing Quilts...

Pattern Petals from Gypsy Threads
...and not a picture of them to share.  This weekend I ventured out and headed south towards Watsonville for the Pajaro Valley Quilt Association's 35th annual Quilt Show.  Yeah, I had no idea either.  I mean, I should have, but I didn't.  The quilt shop that I frequent was essentially closed for the weekend as they were setting up the displays as well as a small vendor booth.  Since I couldn't pick up the Lone Star, or get the assist I needed, I thought I might as well take a look.
It was amazing.  There were some true works of art on display - women who use fabric as a medium instead of clay or pigment or paper - along with some budding artists as well.  The local 4H had a display of their quilts, the youngest by a 6 year old child.  And they were beautiful too.  Although I probably took 200 pictures (2 of each - one with the artist names, one of the quilt - but not of every quilt!), I'm not allowed to share as I don't have the permission slips.  Sigh.  But totally understandable.
Along with the quilts there were assorted vendors, mostly of the quilt-y variety, but some fab button vendors as well (NO! Lorili, you do NOT need another collection!!).  I did however collect quite a few business cards and even visited one of the other fabric stores on the way home.  The photo above is of one of the decor's at a vendor's booth.  It wasn't until I was inside her booth that I realized she had used the tissue paper from old patterns to make the petals.  Now, where can I find a tutorial for that I wonder? I felt quite reasonable in my purchases, but am totally lusting for some (more) of those buttons that I don't even know how I would begin to use...
And then there was the auction.  Again, totally unaware.  I had viewed the quilts up for auction and there were some marvelous gems.  Since I was gabbing with one of the vendors, I was in the auction space when the action began.  It is a crying shame how very much work goes into these things and how very little was being bid.   I am sure they would take a check, and the hubster even asked me how many I brought home...  But alas, none were rescued by me - this time :)  Ask me again next year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet Pinterest would know how to make them. We went to the Kauai county fair and saw some pretty neat quilts there too! But it was too hot to think about snuggling.