Sunday, February 17

HL - Churn Dash, Rail Fence and something by me for me...

First off, the Rail Fence is stalled. I need help with my "creative" solution to join our (me and Hazel) disparate sized blocks together. I'll make a date at the quilt shop next weekend and see if that can push me over the edge. Also, Sue called and said the Lone Star is ready for pick up. Can't wait to see it.

Next up, the Churn Dash. You may recall that I was auditioning the wild rose muslin for spacer blocks. I've decided that's a go, but while googling layouts, I came across one that had the blocks set on point. Love! I don't know why, but that simple twist has me much happier with this quilt than before. Only problem is...I didn't get enough of the wild roses fabric to do the additional triangle blocks along the edges. If Hancock's has more of the same, I will get additional yardage to complete that setting option. If not, however, what do you think of the chocolate brown? I don't have enough of that either, but rather than trying to mis-match the wild roses, I can find something in a similar nature to the chocolate to close out the project. I like the way it frames/ borders the quilt without actually requiring a border.

Dealing with Hazel's color palette has left me longing for something to call my own. So I signed up for a Block of the Month (BOM for those of us learning the lingo) with It's supposed to be a skill builder quilt, and as I'm finding out, I definitely need some skills. So I've pulled together some languishing fabric, mostly from an old project I never finished, and my Jolly Rancher colored quilt is under way. It's just two blocks a month, with a quilt-as-you-go option.

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