Wednesday, October 31

Day Fifteen (or Happy Halloween!)

If you look very carefully at the black blob on the left, you will notice a small claw sticking out from the side of the coffin shaped critter. And what is this critter? A very small, very clean mummified bat.

I was doing my laundry this past weekend, shook out a shirt to put it on the hanger, and lo and behold, a piece of black fluff fell to the floor. I picked it up, EWWWWW, and immediately let it drop back to the floor. So what do you do with the clothes once you have found a bat in your clean laundry? I decided that a rewash, without the bat this time, was in order.

We get bats in the house occasionally when we open the doors after dusk and leave them open for a short while. I've had to catch them in a pillow case and release them outside, or even chase them out an open window when I can manage to do that. But this is the first time I've found one in the laundry.

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30

Day Fourteen (or The Way of an Artist)

I am too an artist! Really I am!! That's what I need to remember over the next few weeks. I am going to attempt, for like the eighth time, to go all twelve weeks of the "Artist's Way". I'll keep my contract, I'll do the morning pages, I'll do the dates. And I'll do the ART. The picture to the right is one of my paintings. It's 4'x6' on 3/4" MDF. Yes, that's right, MDF, yes, four feet by six feet. I happen to love it. I'm afraid to have anybody but my husband see it, just for fear of their reaction. If someone says they like it, I'll blush, but I won't believe them, and if they say they don't, I'll be crushed. Damned if you do, and damned if you don't. I did a much smaller version of the same photo in yellows and oranges, and it just glows. I really want to make one of those for myself.

I'm big into the self-help this week. I want to do the Artist's Way, I want to work on my weight loss, I want to learn how to work Photoshop. I'm journaling quite a bit - here, on paper, it seems where ever I am, I'm writing something down. And it's all navel gazing, but there you go. I'm in a transitional period - I have a job, I know I am going to lose my job, but I also know when I'm going to lose my job, so I have some transition work to do. I want to open myself up to a more creative side to compliment the work I do with amounts and accounts and stuff. I want to work on our home, make it a better place for us all to live. I want to create, I want to organize, and I want to play. Sigh. It feels hopeless, but I have to remember that it's my choice to make. I can do it all if I choose to.

Monday, October 29

Day Thirteen (or Back in Austin)

I'm back in Austin. Wahoo! Not really, but I have to do something to get excited around here. I'm staying at the usual place, with plans to hit up some really good food joints. I need to NOT SHOP while I am here, I have too much to fit in my suitcase already, but I did bring an extra one this time. I'm driving a Chevy HHR which is kinda funky and so not something I would normally drive. I have to say though that the cool factor is much better than the Toyota Corolla I had last time. I'm just glad that it's going to be a two short weeks, rather than one two week time frame.

Other than that, I'm starting to do the Artist's Way while I am here. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get a jump start on it and be able to continue once I am home on a more regular basis. I don't think I want to be a writer, but I do want to create visual works of art. Photography, painting, collage, who knows.

Saturday, October 27

Day Twelve (or Any Random Saturday)

Why is it that the Saturday's are always filled with chores, and tasks, and to do lists and not so much with the fun things in life? I know it's because we work all week long, and in the evenings we just sit our honeys on the sofa watching TV, but I'd like to change that in my life.

This morning I've been watching out the window on the deck and the d*&m squirrels are running back and forth along the railing eating everything green. I've tried to go out there with the BB gun, but they disappear when they hear the screen door open. I am not going to get any apples off the tree this year, thanks to the birds and the squirrels.

This morning tho, I did see a buck run across the yard. I see doe all the time, but a buck is few and far between. I think it must have been September, we had eleven doe and two bucks in the space of 15 minutes walk past on the deer trail right outside our living room window.

Things to do, and posting another entry is not going to get them done. I leave for Austin tomorrow night, and I'd like to get the house picked up before I leave. I'd like to kill the damn squirrels too.

Friday, October 26

Day Eleven (or Playing Cards)

I love to play cards. I've been playing cards for most of my life. I still remember being just out of middle school, sitting down with a bunch of young airmen at a picnic and playing poker. I remember long nights of cribbage trying to get used to the new time zone half a world away. I remember sitting in for one of my parents when they were playing pinochle. I've played cards for as long as I can remember. Old Maid, War, Crazy Eights, Egyptian Rat Race, Spoons, Canasta, Sets & Runs, Solitaire.

Last night I went to Bay 101 and played some 6-12 limit Texas Hold 'em. Just because I haven't played cards in about a month, well since Vegas which was a disaster of a trip when it comes to cards. But last night, we got seated about 8:30 and left around 10:00. The table was not real wild, altho there were a couple of people playing every single hand. For some reason, I was able to win most of my pots with either top pair, or bottom two pair, or even the occasional full house. I never flushed, or even filled in a straight. Got beat a couple of times when someone had a good hand, but I didn't bet when I didn't have the winner. And yet I walked away doubled up plus. I like hit and runs like that. I don't play well over long periods of time. If I win early, I should know to get my ass out of the chair, take the money and run.

Thursday, October 25

Day Ten (or A Shrimp Haiku)

A Shrimp Haiku

Yummy tasty shrimp
Swimming around linguine
A tomato sea

Wednesday, October 24

Day Nine (or Meltdown)

Melt-down last night. {insert picture of a puddle of ice-cream} And if you know me, they don't happen very often. I don't know really what happened. I dropped a fork on the floor and ended in a crying jag bemoaning the rest of my life. The work thing that's going on - on the surface it sounds like every one's dream. Get paid for basically just being available and answering questions. I'm just so used to being in the loop, knowing everything that's going on, being a vital and important part of it. So to just limiting participation to those things they ask you about, it's not really working for me. I'm not about to change it, the rewards are too great. Just in the meantime, it's going to work on my psyche. And then, it feels like I am working my butt at getting the house ready, with no assistance at all.

Added to that, it seemed that everything I did yesterday, everything I tried to push forward, was mired in mud. The car needs to be fixed - I stopped yesterday and added fluid to the transmission, but they need to order parts and then there will be an expensive repair job to be done. Gotta do it - I need to keep the car working until around this time next year.

I tried to push on the remodel - they were supposed to call me back and they didn't so I called the designer dude. Supposed to call me back again today. If they don't, then this is the last time I try.

I tried to push on the AA Miles. Takes 6-8 weeks to post the bonus. And you need to call someone else about the Hilton miles.

I tried to push on the new computer - should have a discount through work, but I can't find it on our internal website. Sent an email, still waiting. If we don't have the juke-box PC ordered by the time I come back from Austin in two weeks, I'm going to move forward on the CD inventory. I just need to know where each of those over 500 CD's is.

So, ugh.

Tuesday, October 23

Day Eight (or Old McKinney Recap)

The days are getting shorter and yet I seem to have more to do. I am trying so hard to get the house ready for the holiday season. I know that it seems early, but I feel I am running out of time already. Planning and execution should get me through the next couple of weeks. I can only hope.

One of the cool things I did while visiting the BBSis was to go to the Old Square in McKinney. We promised the kiddo's that we would only visit three stores and then we would do something they liked. They made sure to count the stores, but they were good while we were there. I wanted to check out the "yarn store" downtown, but it was three skeins in a basket. Not very yarny.

The picture is one I sneaked at The French Mix. I love the thought of hanging a chandelier in a bird cage stand. The French Mix was one of the highlights of the trip. They had a great mix of pieces which were very well merchandized. It made you want to buy everything in the store.

And then there was Clyde's. Clyde's is a blast with all sorts of antiques hidden all the little cubbies. I ended up purchasing a set of canisters there that I think will complement my intended color scheme in the hopefully soon to be remodeled kitchen. Of course, they didn't make it into the suitcase this time, so pictures will have to wait.

Monday, October 22

Day Seven (or On the Home Front)

It's so good to be home. And I mean even working today. I love the drive in, even tho it really is time to get the car fixed, and I love where I work. But that first cup of coffee in the morning, man that will wake you up.

I woke up this morning at my new and improved wakey-wakey time (ugh:30) and spent 30 minutes admiring my hard work yesterday. It's still not quite ready to put the furniture back in place, but it looks soo much better. And I have a lot of work still to do, but you can see the floor and things are sorted out. Once I have everything put away, I'll need to spend some time and money making it "pretty". BBSis is going to want to paint some of my furniture, and so do I, I just can't manage to haul it down to the garage for painting until I can get some assistance. And everything is fitting on the shelves, just is it fitting right. I am glad I purchased the wire shelves for the deck, they fit perfectly in the closet.

I just look around the house and there are so many things I need to do to just spruce things up a bit. But I think I am going to just take one room at a time. Get it done, maintain it, and move on to the next room. The problem is, there are 21 disticnt living areas in our home. That means, I need to take dedicate each month to two areas and take care of them completely. I think the best thing is to look at the list at the beginning of the month and see which ones are bugging me the most. It appears that October is my Studio. I'll rely on my BBSis to help me get rid of the excess in there when she comes.

Sunday, October 21

Day Six (or Progress Made)

Sunday's are wonderful. I've had enough time to recoupe from the week, and start to get my second wind for things around the house. And I love how progress in one area makes it so much easier to progress in another. This next week should be very satisfying.

Yesterday I was able to get the suitcases unpacked - all the way! And the laundry is started.

I worked for a while in my studio/guest room and things are looking more organized, to me at least. Spousal Unit 1 (SU1) still can't see where anything is going. And how all the stuff on the floor is going to make it onto the available storage. I'll show before and after pictures when I am able to put the beds back. And just for you BBSis, I'll let you look inside my drawers and closets. And then you can tell I have far too many notebooks and paper items. And where should I donate them? I can't just let them go. And I will need to pull out the two to ten sheets I've actually used out of each of them. Oh my. Another task for another day. Today is just about moving forward.

I'm }{ this close to the halfway point of the Nina shawl. I've been avoiding it because I know that now, I'm going to be disappointed with the length of the shawl. I think I knew that when I did the OBBSis Peas & Carrots Scarf so I added interest between the striped blocks by doing another row of checks and useing this really wonky chenille with the wool used in the main. Now how to make my Nina a bit longer. . .

Saturday, October 20

Day Five (or Home Again)

It wasn't supposed to rain last night - the front was supposed to be headed north. But there I was all snuggled under the blankets, next to my honey, in the easy light of the one lamp, listening to the rain on the roof. Thank you. (Quilts by G'ma-watermelon Pattern Unknown, MIL-blue Storm at Sea, FleaMkt Purchase-Made in India red & white Postage Stamp)

In the quiet of the morning, I've had a chance to get my first cup of cream & coffee. There's no cars rushing by on the highway, not even the sounds of the neighbors getting their Saturday morning chores done. The sun is starting to climb the ridge line and brushing the tops of our redwood trees in the clean light. It'll be noon before it reaches the clearing, but that's OK. I need the peace of a morning like this. Even tho there are always a million and one things to do, I need this time to gather my thoughts, to savor the sounds of nothing. It's actually quieter (more quiet?) than normal - I think the birds must be sleeping in too.
In the spirit of "write it down, get it done" I want to set a few tasks for the weekend:
  1. Unpack and get the laundry done ~ I am the worst at this... I hate seeing the suitcases strewn about the house, but all I want to do is be home.

  2. Cut and prepare to mail the quilts to MIL ~ She'll be looking for them now, and I hope she'll be able to get working on them. I think they will help keep her mind active and busy.

  3. Work on my creative space ~ The kiddo's will be here soon, especially when you subtract the time I'll be in Austin, and they need a place to sleep. And, BBSis is going to be interested in what we can do when she's here.
That should be more than enough. Keep it easy and don't overwhelm yourself.

Friday, October 19

Day Four (or Homeward Bound)

I'm packed. And repacked. And packed again. It still won't all fit in the three measly suitcases, one extra large purse and a damn computer bag. Sigh. I'll be back in Austin in a week, but only for a short visit, so I guess I need to bring an empty suitcase with me. I'll know for sure in a little while if the bags are over the weight restriction.

I'm so looking forward to being home this next week. There are so many things that I want to do before the BBSis and kiddo's get there. And, I just want to be home. Snuggled under the blanket listening to the rain fall on the roof. My own bed, my own kitchen, my own honey...

Anxious to get going now that I'm packed, hoping that the flight doesn't have "issues".

Thursday, October 18

Day Three (or Sunflowers)

Blue sky shimmering with heat
Sunflowers reaching high
Yellow faces follow the light
Roots deep in the dirt

Always grounded in reality
Looking toward dreams
Reaching and searching
Basking in the glow of the effort

Wednesday, October 17

Day Two (or Austin Recap)

It's a rainy morning here in Austin and it suits my mood to a "T". I am anxious to return home and be snuggled in on the sofa with a fire in the stove and the mist in the trees. I know that my suitcases are going to be overweight (just like me) in spite of me leaving things behind in Dallas because I just can't stop myself from shopping. I think I am going to have to put all my books, notebooks, and magazines in the carry-on just so that the check bags will be pass the weight restriction. Ugh.

This trip, I was inspired by my sister and am purchasing items for rubber stamping. They have the works in CA, I am sure, I just don't know where to look for them. I mean, I've looked in Michael's and Joann's and the selection in CA is far inferior to that here in TX. I managed to increase the collection by about 10 rubber stamps, not including what was purchased at Stamp Club on Sunday. We spent the whole weekend playing with paper and ink, glue and rubber stamps, scissors and watercolors, with no other expectations for the weekend. It was fun, inspiring and relaxing at the same time.

And then there was the trip to Hill Country Weavers - Open late on Thursday (thank goodness!). And thanks to Mapquest, I was only mis-located once, but able to get back on track and find my way down there. The facility is an old home that has been stripped down to walls and concrete floors and stuffed full with bins and racks and tables of yarn. The selection and choices were just amazing. I finally was able to pet some Classic Elite Yarns, and decided that I really really want the Posh in the pink print, but before I indulge myself, I need to finish one of my larger projects. That, and it needs to have the pattern picked out for it - there's no way to justify that price without having something special picked out. Even so, I managed to walk away with 4 skeins of Miracle in Caribbean Sunset, 1 skein of Plymouth Encore Worsted in color 1444 brown with blue slubs, and 3 skeins of Queensland Rustic Wool, color 04 a tonal green yarn.

Tuesday, October 16

Day One (or the beginning)

Hopefully, it's the start of a new journey. I spent some time last night thinking about all the things I would like or need to do courtesy of "cool people I know". And there's a lot of them, I mean a lot. But one of the easiest to begin will be to keep a daily journal/blog. I hope that over time, this will become less than a list of things to do and more a recognition of the beauty and joy that surrounds me and perhaps the things that I care about.

People talk about passion ~ and I don't know that I have passion in my life. I like my logical mind too much for it to be overridden by love, lust, or even anger. There are consequences to each of our actions, and to do something because your emotions rule you, regardless of the consequences, is something I cannot do. I like control, routine, and understanding. That doesn't mean that I am a heartless, boring, uncreative person, it just means that I seem to approach things with perhaps a more detached manner than people are used to. I like to process my options in my head before acting, or see the finished result long before I get there. Often, it doesn't end up the way I thought, but that's not the end of the world either.

Navel gazing - the bane of the blog, but this is for me first and for others later.