Wednesday, January 9

Day 005: Lemon Bars?

Smitten Kitchen, one of the lovely food blogs I read regularly, has a recipe for Lemon Bars on her site that I think I must try! I love the sweet-tart taste of lemons, limes and grapefruit when used in desserts and sorbets. Add a layer of shortbread and I'm in heaven! I'm not a big fan of meringue, so pies are not so much a favorite. Fortunately, I have all the ingredients in hand, including 50 or so very small, but very ripe, lemons on the tree. Now all I need is the time to make them - probably on Friday.
Tonight I have a dinner date with the ladies of B. It'll be good to have the chance to sit and talk with these women and be out and about.

Tuesday, January 8

Day 004: It's raining again...

And it is raining again. The deep voice weather dude said that we should expect about 1.25" between noon and midnight. Since it started raining around 11:30 I can only expect that he's going to be right - again. Fortunately, I have the fire lit, the house is picked up and the appliances are running. All is right in the world.

I've been busy this morning - getting some things done that haven't been done in a while. I need to spend some time this afternoon, working on the seeking employment front. That will make the hubster a happy(ier) camper. Not that he's much of a camper.

It's dreary. And cold.

Knock on wood, so far, I've kept up with the 365 day project this year. Yippee! One week in, 51 to go. I'm posting my daily photos at by lorili - photos. I'm curious to see if my style changes or if I end up sticking with still life and landscape. So many things to take pictures of, so few I can take pictures of well.

Speaking of pictures: Two more cards that are together...

Monday, January 7

Day 003: A defining word...

I've been reading around blog land on this idea of choosing a word to "define" your year. Something that can be used as a sort of guideline to determine your actions perhaps, or to ruminate upon, or something to give you pause to think. I first thought that I would choose the word "finish" as there are so many projects that I do actually need to finish this year, projects that have been left half-baked for two or more years even. However, I think that a better defining word will be "continue". I want to continue to do the things that I have started in the past year, continue them in spite of the interruption, and continue them to completion. Whether that be the sweater I still really want to work on, or the guest suite remodel, or the weight loss journey that I have started. All of these things are in progress at the moment. I want to continue to work on them, enjoying the process and enjoying the final results. Continue, as you have begun.

On another note: Cards have been started, and are ready for mailing... I just need to get the last letter finished and on the way. I'll post the pictures of them over the next couple of days.

Wednesday, January 2

Day 002: Navel Gazing the first

It's Tuesday. The second day of the year. My goals for yesterday were overtaken in a rush of computer game playing. I've got to quit doing that. I did however, get to take my photos - both yesterday and today. Two down, 364 to go!

I didn't realize my pantry was missing so many critical staples to my recipes - so today I get to to go to the store. How can I be out of salt, out of buttermilk, and worst yet dishwasher soap (no I don't use that when I cook ~ silly!) all after just going to the grocery on Monday. Argh!
We'll see how today goes. Stream of conscience now. Gonna just write whatever until I get comfortable writing every day.

Tuesday, January 1

Day 001: Finish

It's the first day of a brand new year! Hooray! I'm going to try and practice the power of positive thinking and only think good things are going to happen this year.

I've been spending the past couple of days working on my wish list of things I want to complete this year. It's quite a list, encompassing the house, my health, and my creative side. Oh yeah, and money and family too.

I read a post the other day - and now I can't remember where from - that said to pick a word to define your year. I think that I am going to choose the word FINISH. Finish what's left undone. Finish any projects you start. Finish. I have a bad habit of getting the supplies, starting a project, and then abandoning it when it doesn't meet my expectations or is beyond my skill level. The problem is that I have high expectations of myself, and although settling should not be the optimum choice, some times, it is better to finish as best as you can, rather than abandon all hope.

Quality Picture should be here, but I haven't taken it yet! See me tomorrow.