Tuesday, January 1

Day 001: Finish

It's the first day of a brand new year! Hooray! I'm going to try and practice the power of positive thinking and only think good things are going to happen this year.

I've been spending the past couple of days working on my wish list of things I want to complete this year. It's quite a list, encompassing the house, my health, and my creative side. Oh yeah, and money and family too.

I read a post the other day - and now I can't remember where from - that said to pick a word to define your year. I think that I am going to choose the word FINISH. Finish what's left undone. Finish any projects you start. Finish. I have a bad habit of getting the supplies, starting a project, and then abandoning it when it doesn't meet my expectations or is beyond my skill level. The problem is that I have high expectations of myself, and although settling should not be the optimum choice, some times, it is better to finish as best as you can, rather than abandon all hope.

Quality Picture should be here, but I haven't taken it yet! See me tomorrow.

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